The 3rd World Bronchiectasis conference was held in July 2018 in Georgetown, Washington DC. With a mix of world class presenters, it provided a comprehensive update on the latest options for management in bronchiectasis and Non-tuberculosis Mycobacterium (NTM) . The meeting highlighted the power of international registries, with growth in multiple areas of knowledge, including phenotyping in bronchiectasis. A look back at successful treatment approaches was reviewed by Prof Alan Barker as well as current information related to potential breakthrough therapies in the future. The application of phenotyping in bronchiectasis was outlined by Prof Stefano Aliberti, with a particular focus on the heterogeneity of this condition and how this relates to disease severity. A key part of the conference was the latest in NTM therapies and approaches, with an expert panel discussion outlining their opinions on a mix of complex case studies. Updates on the latest imaging, clinical reviews of bronchiectasis and the role of airway clearance therapy was outlined, before Prof James Chalmers concluded the bronchiectasis component of the conference with his latest insights into clinical review and therapies.